Still In the Potter's Hand

Yesterday while adjusting the settings in my gmail account, I came across the link to this blog in my signature line. I had forgotten about this place I had carved out to share my thoughts of being shaped by the Potter. 

Truth is I haven't stopped writing, albeit not as much as I used to. I have tons of journals with poetry, thoughts, tidbits and I have several (many) other blogs. The common denominator is I have not been consistent on any.

Coming across this blog, with my last entry being 9 years ago was timely. God makes no mistake. I needed this in the face reminder that the Potter is still working on me. Yesterday, I wanted to repay evil for the evil that was being meted out to me. I wanted to go to a far place and not answer my phone because I wanted him to feel what it feels like when he does that to me. I buckled over and prayed and cried because my heart wanted to do that, but the Holy Spirit said no my child, you are growing from that. Take this forward step. 

So I am still in the Potter's Hands. Now more than ever, in 2020, the first pandemic I have lived in- Covid19, I can't afford to not be in His hands. 9 years ago I was a struggling wife, today I am a mother in a singleheaded household raising my son, God's gift to me. Life has changed significantly. 

What to expect?

I plan to port some of my writings, one's that fit with the blog's theme, into this space. 

I may eventually merge some of the other blogs. Some are with pseudonyms, maybe it's time to speak my truth with my face attached.


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