The Potter's Gift

A few years ago I got an email from my best friend. It was about a little girl and her necklace. She had gotten the fake pearl necklace as a gift from a friend. She played with it daily and treasured it above all else. One day she misplaced her fake pearl necklace. She searched and searched but could not find it. One can only imagine how upset she was. Her father, like any loving dad, set out to ease his daughter's pain by buying her a new necklace, not just any fake necklace- but a real pearl necklace. It wasn't as flashy as the one she lost but it was real. The father presented his gift to his daughter as she laid in bed - but she was not impressed with the design- she pulled it from around her neck as the beads scattered on the floor. She had no idea it was real.

How many times have we tried holding on to 'gifts' that are of no real value to us, so much that we often-times miss the true replacement God has placed in our lives? The Potter knows exactly how He designed and created us and as such He knows exactly what we need- even more than we do. Sometimes we stare so long at the counterfeit satan dazzles our eyes with- that boy/girlfriend who continually hurts you and puts you down, that job that is causing you to compromise and feel useless, that relationship that does more harm than good, that  item (car, house, etc) that is costing you so much to repair. But still you're holding on- what else can one do in these tough economic times, these lonely times, these sad times, especially when you have invested so much?

We can try to let go off the counterfeit and open our hands to accept the true gift the Potter has for us. Let us trust Him to make the right decision about what's best for us.


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