The Court Jester vs. The Worshiper

As we were having high praise time at church today, the song leader paused to give a joke about a friend who refers to himself as the 'Court Jester.' The joke was laughed at, and may have ended for many but it had me pondering on a much deeper level. 
Back in the days the King/Queen would have a jester, whose task was to come before him/her when beckoned. The Jester had to entertain the royals; and if he failed he could be punished in a variety of ways. This included being beheaded. His role was thrust upon him by the royals and he was expected to perform accordingly whenever summoned to do so. If there was more than one jester at court, the royals could easily display their preference. 

The jester always ran the risk of offending or boring the royals. Each of which could have dire consequences. 

It had me thinking of us worshiping at church. We have all been called before the King of the Universe to enter into his courts to worship, praise and adore His Holy Name. That's our main purpose on this planet.
Yet, how often do we enter His courts with our own agendas, some of us even take a day or two off 'duty' every once in a while- missing court as it were. If we were before early earthly kings we would have been beheaded by now. 

To add to this, we enter before a King who knows when our worship is real and when it is for show; who knows what our worship will look like and sound like even before we do; a King who sees us as more than mere jesters, but as His beloved; a King who doesn't have a set of favourite worshipers- but welcomes us equally to His throne.

Oh, if it were not for His grace and mercy- who could stand. Our righteousness is like filthy rags- but He covers it up with His blood and allow us to stand in His place - receiving undeserved pardon and grace. 

Let us enter into His courts with thanksgiving; let us worship Him in spirit and in truth; let us give thanks always; let us bow down before Him and worship Him- because His grace and mercy has looked beyond our faults and saw our needs. 
When we enter the courts before the King of the Universe- He asks us to fear him- not as the court jester's fear for death- but with a fear that comes from loving Him- a fear that knows He deserves the best worship from our hearts. And let this fear cause us to sing:

 "Let the river of my worship flow to you
Lord I pray, in all I do
 Let the river of my worship flow to You 

Like streams in the valley, (they) swell with the rain 
Let the songs of my heart,
 rise to bless Your name 

And Flow to you 
Flow to you 
Let my worship,
 flow to you 

Let all my worship 
Let all my praise 
Flow to you
Flow to you

Let all my worship 
Let all my praise 
Flow to you
Nobody but you."


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